(303)440-0414 | info@rockandresole.com | Mon–Sat: 10am – 6pm, Sunday: 10am-5pm| Closed Major Holidays | As of 01/14/25, Estimated Turn Around Time For CLIMBING Shoes Is 8 Weeks
CREEK FREAK Indian Creek Climbs
By Karl Kelley
Karl Kelley has likely spent more time in Indian Creek than any other climber. He can be spotted at crags—obscure and popular—checking route beta, chatting with climbers, picking up trash, offering advice. He has climbed on 1,300 of the over 2000 routes contained within this guide (nearly double the route count of the previous book). To top it off, Karl is donating 100% of his royalties to the Access Fund and has convinced Sharp End, Pagan Mountaineering, and Gearheads to offer $1 for each book sold.
What you can expect:
First ascent info
History and historical photos
Overview maps
Gear beta
Required rope lengths
Route length
Camping beta
Detailed cliff photos