(303)440-0414 | info@rockandresole.com | Mon–Sat: 10am – 6pm, Sunday: 10am-5pm| Closed Major Holidays | As of 01/14/25, Estimated Turn Around Time For CLIMBING Shoes Is 8 Weeks

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Contact Us
Contact us
Retail Store/Drop offs
2500 47th St #1,
Boulder, CO 80301
1800 Commerce St.
Unit D South
Boulder CO, 80301
2500 47th St #1,
Boulder, CO 80301
1800 Commerce St.
Unit D South
Boulder CO, 80301
Retail Shop: 303-440-0414
Shipping: 303-396-0532
Come on in and talk with us about your favorite climbing spot, or talk about your new interest in climbing!
And BTW – Dogs are welcome!!
Please email us with any questions or suggestions.
Thank you!