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Red River Gorge North 5th Edition


A Rock Climbing Guidebook to the Red River Gorge, Kentucky. Volume 1: Northern Regions
5th edition
By Ray Ellington and Dustin Stephens
248 pages. Color.
ISBN: 978-1-938393-20-4


The Red River Gorge in eastern Kentucky is one of the best rock-climbing areas in the world. Its solid, well-featured sandstone makes for steep, spectacular climbing, with almost 2000 established routes, from traditionally protected cracks to some of the hardest sport climbs in America. This book, Volume 1 of a two-volume series, covers the northern half of the Red River Gorge, i.e those cliffs that lie north of Miguel’s Pizza and the Mountain Parkway. Most cliffs in this region lie on Forest Service land. The most popular include Military Wall, Left Flank, Long Wall, and Funk Rock City.

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